Your choices
You have choices. Lots of them. Not just birth choices, but choices to make from conception — choices in care provider, in pregnancy, in birth, and through postpartum (sure they continue into parenting and, well, life, but we’ll stop there).
But you can only make choices if you know that you have them, and that they are yours to make. Hopefully you have an amazing care provider who gives you a fulsome overview of the various options available to you at each stage, for each screening tool/test/whatever it may be. If that is the case, we hope to be able to provide you with extra support in making those choices, whether it be by linking you with evidence on the topics, or by showcasing stories of people who have made certain choices to do or not to do something.
We wish everyone was in that boat, but know that with only 8% of women getting access to the gold-standard continuity of care models in Australia, it often isn’t the case. If this is you and you are rushed in and out of appointments with little discussion, read a classic script, handed referral slips with no explanation as to why, told that you “need X, Y, Z”, then we are here to provide you with an overview of what options do exist and how you may make decisions about them.
We don’t want you to only find out after the fact that you had choices (yet this is what we hear families say).
From access to information and resources on our website (more content coming soon), to stories on the pod, or one-on-one doula support to navigate your personal experience, we’re here for you.