doula support

We want you to have the benefit of unwavering support, advocacy, encouragement, and a wealth of tailored resources, as you traverse the period from conception through to postpartum.

    • sit with you in those early weeks when it can feel like you’re doing it all alone

    • support you emotionally through the ups and downs of whatever this pregnancy throws up for you, whether it be your first or a subsequent pregnancy

    • debrief on and prepare for discussions with your care and support team

    • unpack the cultural, social and familial influences on your pregnancy, birthing and postpartum headspace

    • remind you of your innate ability to birth your baby, and help you to work through any doubts or worries as they creep in

    • what’s happening for you and your baby and what support you can bring in in response to the physical and emotional adaptations in pregnancy and postpartum

    • what birth can look and feel like, understanding physiology and how to promote it, and the role of interventions in the case of pathology

    • dreaming up your ideal birth and/or postpartum, while ensuring you’re prepared for all possibilities

    • support you to access high-quality evidence-based resources, enabling you to make autonomous decisions and advocate for yourself and your baby

    • help you decide on your care provider — a choice which can set the tone for your pregnancy care and birth

    • work through the choices available to you at each stage of your pregnancy, from ultrasounds, genetic screening, gestational diabetes and other tests, induction, the lit goes on

    • individualised referrals and access to a web of incredible humans that provide holistic and varied physical and emotional support during pregnancy, birth and postpartum — ensuring you have the A-team you deserve based on the area you live in and your hopes and dreams for birth

    • work with you and your support people to get you to the position where you feel comfortable advocating for your needs through your care

    • be your advocate in the birthing space where required to ensure that your preferences are respected

doula support

    • Monthly appointments

      • ensuring you feel supported from the beginning of pregnancy, across the course of your pregnancy, not left to wade through those initial weeks alone or feeling lost between spaced-out appointments

      • giving you time and space to work through the questions and emotions that often arise before and between appointments, and an opportunity to prepare for upcoming choices.

    • Ongoing text and email support

      • so you can reach out whenever you need guidance or reassurance

    • Our conversations will be guided by your needs, priorities and requests:

      • wrap around emotional support as we explore what you are bringing into this pregnancy, how you are feeling month-to-month and work through any fears that may arise

      • evidence-based information and resources, arming you for autonomous decisions and advocacy where required

      • dream up and curate your birth and postpartum preferences

      • individualised referrals and collaboration with other healthcare and integrative practitioners

    — dependent on stage of pregnancy at time of engagement

    — add-ons include birth support, post-birth debrief and virtual postpartum support

    *monthly sessions offered in-person (within inner-melbourne) or virtually.

  • This is a great option for exploring specific topics, like questions over a particular care provider choice, a choice during pregnancy or birth, or if you feel like your needs aren’t quite being met by your antenatal appointments and you want to devote a little extra time to your emotional needs, honouring and feeling into this pregnancy with someone who gets it.

    — 1 hour, $120

    *One-off support sessions offered virtually. Session to be followed by a summary email to provide you with curated links and referrals based on your needs and our discussion.

  • This allows time for a deeper dive into whatever choices you are needing support with, including an individualised discussion about your care provider choices, education or support in birth preparation or planning, as well as emotional support and unpacking the social, cultural and other attitudes that may be impacting on your pregnancy experience and plans for birth.

    — 2 hours, $220 (multi-session packs also available)

    *One-off support sessions offered virtually. Session to be followed by a summary email to provide you with curated links and referrals based on your needs and our discussion.

What people are saying

  • I was lucky enough to stumble onto birthchoices during my first trimester and had a consult with both Alice and Elysia- they were so kind and incredibly knowledgeable. They provided me with support, guidance and resources to help me make decisions about curating the best care team for my pregnancy and birth. They also had lots of resources and data about the safety and suitability of home birth for me to share with my partner. I’m glad I can continue to get Alice and Elysia’s wisdom and insight through their podcast as well.


  • I recently engaged the birthchoices team to better understand pregnancy care options in Melbourne.  I currently live in the Netherlands, which has a midwifery-led care model, and I wanted to understand whether I could replicate that or something close to it in Australia. Alice provided a clear, comprehensive overview of options available, and evidence-based information as to the pros and cons of each. Alice was available for follow-up questions as my husband and I navigated our first engagement with the various Melbourne-based services.


  • Elysia was my rock during an incredibly tough period. Following the loss of our first son, her unwavering support carried us through the complexities of our second pregnancy. Her presence was not just professional but deeply person, making me feel like I had a friend for life. Elysia’s kindness and genuine care transformed the experience, offering comfort and understanding that went beyond what I could have imagined. I can’t recommend her enough for anyone seeking heartfelt pregnancy and birth support.


  • Alice has been an invaluable source of knowledge in helping us navigate the various care provider options, including teaching us about certain options we weren’t even aware of! Alice’s approach is supportive and evidence-based, which has been very reassuring and helped us make an informed choice about the right option for us.


  • I just wanted to say thanks so much for that session, it was really helpful in clarifying my care options choices. Thanks for your generous sharing of info, validation of the complexity of the choices available and decision-making help.


  • Thank you so much for the consult! Our chat was just what I needed after a week back at work, it brought back some of the pregnancy joy and excitement and feeling very excited to tackle the homebirth chat with my partner.


  • This information is so concise and helpful, thank you thank you! This has saved me the time I would have spent trawling the noise and misinformation that’s out there on Google.


birthchoices, through this website, our service offerings and our podcast, aims to share stories and collate information to assist you in navigating your pregnancy and birth and in discussing these choices with your chosen pregnancy care provider. The information and resources provided are informational and educational in nature and does not constitute medical or midwifery advice and shall not be construed as constituting or replacing medical or midwifery advice.

We at birthchoices encourage you to make your own care decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The information provided is general in nature and we expressly recommend that you seek advice from your midwife or doctor who knows your individual circumstances in determining your approach to your pregnancy and birth. 

While we have worked hard to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and based on reliable and up to date evidence, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Our website and podcast are intended to complement, and never to substitute, your midwifery or medical clinical care. 

Neither we at birthchoices or any of our guests shall be held liable or responsible for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes arising out of the use or reliance on our content and/or your failure to seek appropriate medical, midwifery or health advice from a relevant licensed health care professional who is familiar with your individual circumstances.